Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This morning I am brimming with paternal pride.

On Wednesday mornings, the boys and I hang out while Lindsay goes to piano lessons. We usually have "sword fights" or "drive cars" or something along those lines. This morning, however, yours truly was not feeling so hot (I have a wicked cold) and another activity had to be arranged.

Nothing makes you feel better when you have a cold than watching Captain James T. Kirk engage in fisticuffs with bad guys and explain what "love" is to the various alien babes.

Thus, the DVD was inserted into the notebook and all of the Inkster men gathered 'round.

My eldest son filled my heart with pride when he turned to me and asked, "Daddy, is that orange glowey ball Sargon?" - Yes my friends, he had identified the alien antagonist by name given nothing but a flashing light as a clue.

Ben Inkster = Proud Father

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