Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This blog has definitely taken on the flavour of a book club...

This evening I finished Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.

I enjoyed the novel thoroughly. I was struck, however, by how different my fundamental assumptions about life were from those of the main character.

Perhaps it is upbringing or maybe differences in culture and time setting ... whatever the underlying reason, the lack of character displayed at the end of the story I found very difficult to swallow. In the end, she did achieve what she had always (day)dreamed about, but there was a very callous back stabbing involved.

I do not intend to come across as a young know-it-all who has all of the answers. But character is very important to me. I want to see my children become strong oaks that do not bend to every wind of change.

I recommend this story.

If you read it, look past the happy ending to ask the question: "Does the end justify the means - regardless of past pain?"

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