Friday, May 19, 2006

It's been more than a week since I last posted.

My apologies to my faithful readers (all three of you). I have been very busy and this blog ended up on the back burner. So, this evening I will have to give you just a quick post.

As a diversion from my heavier reading (see previous post), I just finished The Dosadi Experiment by Frank Herbert. I am a Dune fan so this book appealed to me.

In summary, Mr. Herbert had an imagination that exceeded the number of pages contained in this book. The story gave glimpses into a very rich universe with subtle inter-workings of politics, religion and limited resources. The plot was complex and intriguing, but it was very easy to loose track of the various threads with all of the references to organizations and species that were never fully explained.

I suspect that a re-reading of this book would clear some of my unanswered questions up. I would not, however, recommend this book to someone who had not read the entire Dune series at least twice (and probably The Lord of the Rings).

In short, I enjoyed the book thoroughly but there are very few people I would recommend it to.

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